Under the supervision of the Education Director, the Teacher shall be responsible for working within the framework of BSECDC and carrying out its functions, educational philosophy, policies and procedures as follows but not limited to:
• Provide comprehensive services for children in a center-based setting
• Develop and implement activities and lessons based on the curriculum and to meet the individual and group needs of children in the classroom
• Administer assessments and maintain proper documentation
• Maintain stable/supportive relationships with the children and their families
• Assist with transition planning
• Manage classroom materials and provide educational support, guidance, and training to Assistant Teachers
• NYS Certification in Early Childhood Education required
• Master’s degree preferred
• Two to three years of experience working with preschoolers in a classroom setting
Employee Handbook
• Actively implements age appropriate The Creative Curriculum.
• Respects the confidential nature of all information about parents, children and staff.
• Supports and participates in an active outdoor time.
• Plans with Assistant Teacher and keep him/her informed regarding meetings, events and training.
• Brings to the attention of the Education Director any difficulties concerning the supervision of the children.
• Responsible for supervision of the children.
• Supports and actively participates in an active work time.
Record keeping
• Records personal attendance using timesheet (failure to accurately report hours could result in incorrect pay).
• Record and report children’s daily attendance and notify the Site Director
• Adheres to Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) procedures, New York State Office of Children and Family Services (NYSOCFS), and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) regulations regarding record keeping and reporting.
• Ensures that all incidents/accidents are recorded on the appropriate forms and signed by parent upon pick-up of their child. These forms become part of the child’s file after the parent’s signature is obtained.
• Responsible for planning and arranging classroom equipment and furniture in order to promote optimal program functioning and which represents the High Scope curriculum
• Encourages maximum constructive use of material and equipment.
• Keeps equipment accessible and in good condition.
• Removes damaged or hazardous equipment and reports it to the Site Director.
Parent Relations
• Fosters positive parent relationships through respecting the confidential nature of all information about parents and children.
• Provides a forum for ongoing communication – daily notes, phone calls, etc.
• Uses “Contact Notes” for staff and parent concerns.
• Attends and participates in parent/teacher meetings.
• Attends required staff meetings, trainings and workshops
• Attends weekly planning meetings with the Education Director or Program Director.